October 21, 2024
How to Stay Healthy During Halloween Night

The beginning of autumn is a time for fun, costumes, and, of course, candy, but one must remember to stay healthy during Halloween night. While indulging in sweets and celebrating with friends and family can be enjoyable, safety is also important to remember for kids of all ages (including adults).

Here are some helpful tips to ensure your Halloween is filled with treats, not tricks, for your well-being.

Safety Tips During Halloween Night

Whether you’re trick-or-treating with little ones or attending a Halloween party yourself, safety should always be a top priority. Protect your little ones and yourself by:

1.     Staying Visible:

You and your children should be easily seen while walking through neighborhoods. Reflective tape or glow sticks can help increase visibility without sacrificing any spooky effects if costumes are dark-colored and blend into the night shadows. Carry a flashlight to light your way, avoid tripping hazards, and to alert drivers of your presence.

2.     Choosing Safe Footwear:

Wear regular shoes when traveling to and from events. If your costume includes heels or less practical shoes, change into them once you arrive at the party or event. If you’re unaccustomed to your costume’s footwear, practice wearing them around the house before the big night or simply avoid wearing shoes likely to cause you to trip while walking around the neighborhood.

3.     Being Cautious on the Road:

Be extra careful when driving during trick-or-treating hours, even outside of neighborhoods. Many people take to walking when they would normally drive. In the neighborhoods, kids are distracted and more cautious of scary costumes and yard decorations than cars. Drive slowly and stay alert. As a pedestrian, always use crosswalks and sidewalks, and remind kids to look both ways before crossing the street.

4.     Remembering Costume Safety:

Ensure costumes fit properly to avoid tripping or catching on obstacles. Masks can sometimes obstruct vision, so consider using face paint or makeup instead. If your child insists on a mask, make sure they can see clearly.

Avoiding the Sugar Crash: Healthy Tips During Halloween Night

Halloween is synonymous with candy, and while enjoying some sweet treats is part of the fun, over-indulging can happen quickly. Keep your energy levels balanced and avoid the dreaded sugar crash by:

1.     Eating a Balanced Meal Before the Fun Begins:

Before heading out for Halloween festivities, enjoy a nutrient-rich meal with your family. Our dietitian, Rita de Freitas, RDN, suggests creating a balanced dinner with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to help curb sugar cravings and prevent overeating candy later.

Serving "Monster Mash" is a fun way to set the mood, incorporating a colorful, Halloween-themed meal that’s both nutritious and exciting for kids. Simply make mashed sweet or white potatoes and creatively top them with protein and veggies to create “monster”faces of your meal. For example, you may use sliced red peppers for the mouth and olive slices for eyes to create a face. Use foods your family loves and let them design their own spooky dinner.

For dessert, Rita recommends black bean brownies to provide extra fiber. Add a candy corn on top to balance the healthy option with a classic candy. This way, you kick off the night with energy and fun, setting the tone for a healthier Halloween!

2.     Setting Candy Limits:

It's tempting to eat candy throughout the night but try to set limits on how much candy you and your family consume in one sitting.Consider keeping the best treats and storing the rest for later, allowing everyone to savor the candy over a few weeks rather than all at once.

3.     Staying Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water during the evening to help maintain your energy. Dehydration can make you feel sluggish and is often mistaken for hunger, leading to more candy consumption. Keeping water on hand will also help balance the sweetness of treats.

4.     Incorporating Healthier Options:

If you’re handing out goodies, consider mixing in healthy options like mini pretzel packs, dried fruit, or small snack bars. You can also offer non-food treats such as stickers, small toys, or glow bracelets, which are especially great for kids with food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Keep the Fun Going Without the Guilt

Halloween should be enjoyable for everyone, and you can make sure it stays that way by focusing on safety and moderation. With a little planning, it’s easy to stay visible, keep energy levels stable, and make healthier choices while still enjoying all the fun Halloween offers. Remember, Halloween is about making memories, not counting calories. By following these tips, you and your family can have a healthy, safe, and fun-filled holiday.

Connected Health is dedicated to educating and empowering our patients to take a leading role in their health journey, including occasionally indulging in treats (in moderation). Our providers maintain an open dialogue with patients without judgement and support each person where they are. If you need better support during the holiday season, consider concierge primary care at Connected Health and our team of caring and compassionate medical professionals to support you and your health goals. The holidays are filled with food, family, and friends. Show up as your healthiest self this holiday and reach out to us HERE or call 724-933-4305 to learn more about concierge primary care at Connected Health.

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